How to perform DoS on Wi-Fi [ Kick all users from Network ] :)

We will discuss how an attacker can jam a wireless network by DoS (Denial Of Service Attack) i.e DoSing a wireless Access Point (AP).
Actually when we say hacking wireless network, it doesn’t mean only by cracking wi-fi key 😛
So here we are going to use a tool from package i.e. aireplay-ng.
Basically what we gonna do is, we will connect to an Access Point (AP) and then we will remove all other clients from that and will prevent them to connect again from that AP.
For this we will need aircrack-ng package and it is pre-installed in kali linux. So I am going to use Kali linux for this tutorial.
So let’s start:

Step 1: Open terminal
So first of all we will check whether our wireless card is supported or not. So open terminal and check it by hitting enter after command ‘iwconfig’.

Step 2: Put this adapter on monitor mode using ‘airmon-ng start wlan0’

Step 3: Check all the available Access points in range and select your target using ‘airodump-ng mon0’.
Step 4: Now from the above step we got the ESSID i.e. name of AP, BSSID of AP, Channel of AP, Encryption type etc etc. So here I am going to target an AP and I need its BSSID. Now connect to that AP and fire the below command in terminal. 😉
“aireplay-ng –deauth 1000 -a 00:18:4D:DA:50:A6 -h 08:ed:b9:9a:38:85 mon0”
00:18:4D:DA:50:A6 is BSSID of the target network.
08:ed:b9:9a:38:85 is MAC address of our machine.
1000 is the number of deauthentication frames to send to the AP.
So now we have bumped off all the users from that Wireless Access Point. 😉
This is only for educational purpose only… Do not try on others

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